Sunday, January 27, 2013

S.O.B. (Save our Blog)!

So, I always wondered why my friends would go long stretches inbetween blog posts. Secretly I was thinking- come on people, how hard can it be to think of a couple of sentences and upload a few pictues....well my friends, to each of you I silently heart-felt apologies!! It is unbelievable how such a simple thing can apparently take so much time that I goes weeks- ok fine, months, between posts.

In an effort to catch up, I'll load this one full of fun Kaleb facts and an array of pictues dating all the way back to October!

Kaleb just hit 16 months and is growing like a champ. He was in the 100th percentile for height and weight at his 15 month check up. He has started talking and putting signs together to make short requests. His favorite words are puppy, cracker, uh-oh, and Daddy. He only seems to scream Mama when he's sad or hurt. His daycare provider is wonderful with sign language and he has started signing things like eat please, or he'll bring a book- hold it up to you- and sign please, he loves to say thank you for just about anything as well. He is constantly moving around....I swear, from the moment he gets up in the morning until he goes to bed, his little legs are running, and running, and running.....

We had a really nice Christmas. We spent a few days in Ashland at Joe's parents house and then we headed home for Christmas morning. Kaleb and his cousins Dayton & Taya had a ball with each other- it is so, so, so fun to see them all interacting!! I can already tell they are going to be partners in crime when they get older.

Joe and I are busy busy. It seems like the weeks are flying by and the weekends go even faster. Joe has a fishing trip planned with his dad and brother next weekend and then I'm heading to the Cities with some girl friends the weekend after that for a little shopping, eating & relaxing!

Enjoy the "February Resolution" is to attempt to blog at least twice a month....

Kaleb LOVED the corn maze!

 Kaleb and his friend Sam- the cutest Dalmation & cowboy in all of Superior :)
First haircut-
it was a tough day for Mommy, but as soon as he got the sucker I think it was the best day for Kaleb!
 I LOVE my new 'do!
 Bentleyville Tour of Lights



They always love the box....

 Grampy, Grammy, & Kaleb
 Uncle Joel, Auntie Anna, & Kaleb

Kaleb almost always has a smile on his face...
except during his Santa visit. He was stone-faced the entire time, we got a glimpse of a smile when Santa pulled out his bells though! Oh well, better than a sobbing little guy!!



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